Leave a Legacy
When you make a provision for the Duluth Library Foundation in your will or beneficiary arrangements, you make your mark with a gift that will shape the future and benefit generations to come. A planned gift to the Foundation allows you to direct your resources in a way that expresses your values and vision for the community.
Planned gifts of any size help ensure the long-term vitality of our library. You can support your library in several ways:
- A gift through your will or living trust.
- By making the Duluth Library Foundation a beneficiary or alternate beneficiary of a life insurance policy, retirement plan, or bank account.
- A gift of securities.
- A deferred gift through a vehicle such as a charitable trust.
Below is sample wording that might be used to designate a fixed sum or percentage of your assets to the Duluth Library Foundation. A financial planner or estate attorney can explain more about your options. We invite you to see our Frequently Asked Questions for more detail.
“I give to the Duluth Library Foundation, a nonprofit corporation located at 520 W. Superior Street, Duluth, MN 55802 (Federal Tax I.D. #41-1696460), the amount of $_______ or ______% of the residue of my estate for purposes deemed appropriate by the Board of Trustees.”
Legacy Circle
The fact that you value the Duluth Public Library enough to include the Foundation in your will or beneficiary arrangements conveys a degree of value for the library that exceeds simple support. We would like to honor your commitment by recognizing you in the Legacy Circle.
To become a member of the Legacy Circle, simply inform us, by means of our downloadable Legacy Circle form, of the provision you have made for the Foundation in your will or trust. The amount can vary and does not have to be disclosed. You may remain anonymous to the public if you wish.
Honoring Planned Gifts |
Honoring Planned Gifts |
Become a Literary Lion
Gifts to the Duluth Library Foundation are cumulative.
We recognize donors with a nameplate that is affixed to the donor wall. The Foundation donor wall is located on the upper floor of the downtown Duluth Public Library.
Emily Dickinson

Mark Twain

Jane Austen

William Shakespeare

Andrew Carnegie