Donor Wall

Support from generous donors enhances the uplifting work of the Duluth Public Library–helping to build a vibrant community and create brighter futures. We gratefully recognize those who have given cumulative gifts of $500 or more in support of the library with a nameplate added to the Donor Wall at each giving level.

Andrew Carnegie

Don and Sally Schilling

Karen and Royal Alworth

Olga Walker Trust

Susan and Bruce Henke

Thomas L. and Katherine J. Gibson

Wayne G. Holmberg

Wildey H. Mitchell Family Foundation

Anonymous Friend Designated Fund of the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation

In Honor of Hattie and Finn MacLean by Jerry and Carol Fryberger

Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation

Louise and Beverly Ellstrom

E.C. Mason Fund of the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation

Frank J. Sklaris Library Vision Fund

In Memory of my Father, Donald D. Harries by Gilbert Harries

Margaret Orlich

Northland Foundation

Ordean Foundation

Steven Goldfine

Superior Area Community Foundation

Walter and Alyce Rauschenfels

Ann and Robert Mars

Arrowhead Library System

Bernice A. Lindquist

Charles E. House

Dean Casperson and Patra Sevastiades

Doris I. Becker

Dr. Nathaniel H. Rowe

Elisabeth C. Mason

Ellen Marsden

Essentia Health

For Mothers and Children

Fred and Janet Schroeder

In Honor of Our Children, Grandchildren, and Great Grandchildren; by John and Pat Carow

In Memory of Eugene T. and Mildred Johnson by Shelia Petrovich

John and Beth Kelly

John and Elaine Killen

Karen and Richard Gran

Katharine B. Coventry

Mardag Foundation

Mark and Nancy Melhus

Mary and Arthur Aufderheide

Maurice A. and June C. Robinson Family Foundation


Michael and Ellen Altman

Muriel Cowan

Sherry and Ed Hall

Stephen Philip Welsh Duluth Public Library Board Member, 2020

Susan, Stan, John, and David Goltz

Theresa and Tom O’Gara

Thomas and Kristine Rauschenfels

Valerie Goff

Alan and Susan Hartley

Charles Gessert and Barbara Stark

D’Allaird Family

Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt Charitable Fund of Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation

David and Brenda Sproat

Don and Nancy Tubesing

Duluth News Tribune

Elizabeth and Jarrow Wahman

Frances and Lawrence Syck

Gudrun and Geof Witrak

Hanft Fride Law Firm

Heimbach-Lachmund Family

In Honor of Bob and Becky Buchanan

In Honor of Librarians by Patricia Aufderheide

In honor of Lillian Goldfine

In Memory of David Jennings Harrison

In Memory of Elizabeth Carollo by the Shuey Family

In Memory of Howard J. Meyer

In Memory of John and Rosella Ouse

In Memory of Lawrence R. Linden, Sr. by Esther Linden

In Memory of Leona Gifford

Jennifer and Michael Stattelman

JeRay and Susan Johnson

Jim and Kristin Jarocki

JNBA Financial Advisors

John and Virginia Alexander

Kiwanis Club of Port of Duluth

Lillian and Manley Goldfine

Lyle and Terrie Shannon

Mary Schlosser and Dr. Stewart Hazel

Mavis and Richard Whiteman

Members Cooperative Credit Union

Minnesota Power

National Bank of Commerce

Patricia Gayou Hall

Peter and Sally Sneve

Representative Mary Murphy

Robert and Ruth Ann Eaton

Robin Ongaro Foundation

St. Scholastica Monastery

The Keenan Family

United Baptist Christian Church

Vera M. Dunbar

Vera Swanson Trust

Victor and Beverly Morcos

Wells Fargo Foundation

William, Rhonda, Steven and Laura Krossner

Ager Family

Amanda Abrahamson Roseth and Jeremy Roseth

Ann and Alfred Hartley

Betty Halverson

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota Duluth Retail Center

Bob and Bobbi Hoyt

Bruce and Judith Derauf

Byron Johnson and Jocelyn Pihlaja

Cecile and Richard Swenson

Chris Zyzda and Michael Maloney

Dave & Liz Johnson

Dennis Lamkin and Jon Niemi

Don and Patricia Monaco

Dona Wirtanen Holloway

Duke and Clarice Hietala

Elizabeth Pearson

Frank J. Sklaris, Jr.

Honoring Mary Carufel Dwan

In Honor of Daley and Finley With Love from Mom and Dad

In Honor of Doris V. Proctor

In Honor of the Chris and Christy Gardner Family

In Loving Memory of Florence Wesenberg

In Memory of Corrine Mae Donfris by Barbara Didrikson

In Memory of Daniel F. and Mary C. Levenduski

In Memory of Dorothy F. Powell by Dr. and Mrs. David J. Blomberg

In Memory of George and Kathryn Noble

In Memory of Louise T. Knighton

In Memory of Maxine L. Gerard by Louis Gerard

In Memory of my Mother Mohini D. Gupta by Vinod Gupta

In Memory of Norman Hill by Mary House

In Memory of Rita Storch by Neil Storch

In Memory of Rosemary Frye

In Memory of Ruth Olesen Who Loved Books

Irving Community Club Association

Janet J. Worthing

Jennifer Jackson

Jennifer Marie Berges

John and Carol Lilyquist

John M. and Stephanie K. Brostrom

Jonathan M. Kuchera

Joyce and Tom Pegors

Judith O’Day

Kang and Barry James

Marie Torreano

Marlene David

Mary C. Van Evera

Michael P. Grossman

Nancy and Donald Moline

Nancy C. Eaton

Nixon Moeller Family

Pachel Foundation

Pam and Greg Mutchler

Patty and Dick DeLano

Peter Handberg

Phil and Marcia Semerau

RBC Wealth Management

Renee Zurn

Robert and Pamela Ardis

Rod and Carla Powers

Rose and Les Drewes

Rotary Club of Duluth

Ruth and Harold Frederick

Sharon and Rory Moran

Speer Family

Subhash C. Vidyarthi

Susan Wilmes

The Beauduy Family

The Muster Mohn Family

Tim and Judy Sheriff

Tom and Julie Seidelmann

Vivian Georgesen

Wendy and Tom Rectenwald

Whole Foods Co-op

Addie Vittorio

Alan L. Apter

Alpha Delta Kappa Iota Chapter

Altrusa International Club of Duluth

Andrea Gelb

Ann and Kevin Treacy

Ann M. Kreager

Arrowhead Health Sciences Library Network

Arrowhead Reading Council

Barbara Possin and James Holter

Bent Paddle Brewing Company

Benziger Family

Betty Ramsland

Bob and Gayle Gilmore

Bob and Katie Kuettel

Bob and Marree Seitz

Bryan Brown and Sara Lorbiecki-Brown

Buzz and Saundra Palmer

Candice Richards

Carol and Mark Weitz

Christopher, Jessica and Clara Peters

Claryce Swensen

Clay Helberg, Andrine Lemieux, and Kyra Helberg

Clyde and Jean Olson

Colin M Campbell

Daniel J. Proctor

Dave and Nancy Lundein

David and Barbara McDonald

David and Nancy Choquette

David and Sharon Stauty

David, Kristin and Joseph Yapel

Dean and Terri Alexander

Deborah L. Strohm

Diane M. Kolquist

Don and Deb Johnson

Doris Mattson

Dorothy and Edward Slonim

Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund of the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation

Duluth Tree Service

Elizabeth J. Krause

For places to work, think, and learn by Marie Margitan

Fran Maki

Freedom From Religion Foundation and the Lake Superior Freethinkers

Friends of the Cloquet Public Library

Gary and Patricia Berntsen

Gladys Binette

Gretchen Karstens

In Honor of Dawn Conlan

In Honor of Heidi Johnson

In Honor of Irene M. Graham in Memory of John G. Graham by William C. Graham

In Honor of Jana Holmgren

In Honor of June Casperson

In Honor of Katherine Watters

In Honor of Order of the Eastern Star, Lakeside Chapter

In Honor of our Families of Readers by Jane and Paul Brissett

In honor of Patricia Yvonne Osbakken

In Loving Memory of Shirley Hecimovich by Nichole and Jeff Schaefer

In Memory of Alexander James Wood by James, Maria and Zach Wood

In Memory of Arno I. Savo

In Memory of Arthur Camper

In Memory of Barbara Ballou by Robert Ballou

In Memory of Barbara Kehtel

In Memory of Carol Sonnenburg Emberg

In Memory of Dobby the house-elf

In Memory of Donald W. Davidson by Ruthanna Davidson

In Memory of Elliot Bayly

In Memory of Eugene H. Shabatura

In Memory of Georgianna J.B. Shepard

In Memory of Harold and Randi Wold

In Memory of Jean C. Dougherty

In Memory of June Wester by Jane Wester

In Memory of Leslie Kreager Hamilton

In Memory of Lucile Roemer by Carsten Slostad

In Memory of Lucille Cashman

In Memory of M. Harry Lease, Jr.

In Memory of Marcella Britton by Doug Britton and Nancy Odden

In Memory of Marcella Ramey

In Memory of Margaret G. Pogorelskin

In Memory of Mark and Terry Martin

In Memory of Mary Bohan Miners

In Memory of Maureen Quinn Strange by Heidi and Jason

In Memory of my Husband Frank Budd, MD by Laura Budd

In Memory of of Robert J. Karon

In Memory of Phyllis Hendrickson by Kevin Hendrickson

In Memory of Richard H. and Irene L. Adams by Steve Adams

In Memory of Robert Fryberger by Angelica Fryberger

In Memory of Rose Angelo by Jan Culliton

Jade Swanson

Jane and Richard Heimbach

Jeff and Cora Knutson

Jim and Vivian Gangl

Jim Gearns

Joe and Mickey Ferguson

John and Kathy Bray

Joseph and Charlene Gallian

Julene Boe & Dale Lucas

Julie Dickinson-Lee

Kaye M. Klement

Kraus-Anderson Construction

Krenzen Indoor Auto Mall

Leslie A. Hughes

Lew Family

Linda J. Breimon

Lisa and Mark Fitzpatrick

Lise Lunge-Larsen and Steven Kuross

Lori Steinbach

Lynn Devlin

M. Janet and F. D. Simmons

Margaret Donovan

Margot Carroll Zelenz

Marjorie and Daniel Bergeland

Marjorie Cox and Steven Blomster

Mark and Jane Gottwald

Mark and Lynn MacLean

Mark and Sandra Signorelli

Martha and John Church

Mary Ann Lucas Houx

Mary Caven

Mary H. Pulford

Mary Jane Peterson

Mary M. Johnson

Melissa King & Brian Ruggle

Michael and Lori Huska

Mike and Marta Maddy

Mrs. Ruth M. Bakke

Nancy Lanthier and Jerry Carroll

Nancy Nelson

Northern Lights Books and Gifts

Northland Constructors of Duluth, Inc.

Pamela Mittlefehldt

Patrick and Jennifer Boyle

Paul and Becky Kilgore

Paula and Marc Tsufis

Perry-Spears Family

Pete Langr

R. Bruce and Betty Buchanan

Richard D. and Laura J. Hanson

Richard L. and Yvonne E. Anderson

Richard Petersson

Richard Revoir

Robert and Kristin Ryan

Robert Dock

Sandra Boynton

Sarah Proudfit

Schamber Alternative Medicine

Seiler Family Security Jewelers

Sharon and Joel Labovitz Foundation

Sheralyn Zlonis

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Susan B. and Jeffrey D. Frey

Susan Hyndman

Susan Schumacher and Tab Baumgartner

Suzanne Wasilczuk and Tim Stratton

Tambrey and Pat Collins

Tammy and Dean Fox

Terry Teich

The Bowker Family

The Reistad Family

The Sperl Family

Theresa Neo and Theresa Bobula

Thomas and Barbara Elliott

Thomas Russ

Tim and Anita Zager

Tom and Jean Brozic

Vets of the West Duluth American Legion

Walt and Kay Gower


William and Evelyn Anderson

William and Janice Arezzo

Alayne M. House

Alfred France

Andrea S. Pearson

Ann Biron

Anne Lewis

Ben and Barry Wolfe

Beth Osterlund Liljeblad

Bon-Ton Stores Foundation

Brad Schmugge, CPA

Brian and Suzanne Rauvola

Bryan and Rosie Toney

Carol Healy

Chromaline Corporation

Cindy and Harry Wirz

Connie Carlsness

Craig and Diane Markell

Dan and Susan Mareck

Daniel and Jaci Roth

David and Carol Rosendahl; In Memory of Lucille Cashman

David and Gladys Salmela

David and Marie-Laure McKee

DeMaioribus Family

Diana Engstrom

Diane Madsen

Diane Nelson

Dorothy Gordon

Dr. and Mrs. Glen E. Holt

Dr. Hugh Renier and Kristine Fossum

Dr. Rajesh Prabhu

Duluth Public Library Youth Services Staff

Ecumen Lakeshore

Frances A. Knobloch

Francis and Jocelyn Heid

Galen and Margaret Wilson

Gary and Carole Turner

Genie Stark

George and Jane Killough

Hallie V. Edwardson

Heidi Timm-Bijold

Hoops Brewing Company; In Memory of Laura T Mclean

In honor of all Librarians all over the world!

In Honor of area physicians Lake Superior Medical Society Alliance

In Honor of Dianna “Dede” Smith

In Honor of Doris Kerness by Kelly Johnson

In Honor of James J. Mischler, Jr.

In Honor of Karla Sundvall

In Honor of My Husband John Bryant Sanford, M.D.

In Honor of Our Grandchildren Violet, Nelson, Annika, Dylan, Jaysa, and Ryker Wennberg

In honor of our parents who instilled a love of reading and took us to the library

In Honor of Richard Whiteman

In Honor of Robert H. Carey

In Honor of Sophie Turk

In Memory of Beverly B. Kraus by Jack Kraus

In Memory of Eileen and Edward Wegerson

In Memory of Emerine Helstrom

In Memory of James R. Cleary

In Memory of Joan Likely

In Memory of Joyce Swenson

In Memory of Katharine Brown Coventry by William Wahl

In Memory of Kathy Marsaa

In Memory of Klaus Jankofsky by Kay Kurt Jankofsky

In Memory of Philip Andrew Browning

In Memory of Rev. Dr. Michael D. Wuchter by Shirley Dyer Wuchter

In Memory of Syla Olson Borg

In Memory of Theresia Ludwig by Kyle and Jennifer Deming

Interstate Parking Company of Minnesota

Jamar Company

James and Joanne Loukes

James E. and Beverly Anderson

Janet Davis

Jeff and Margy Fraboni

Jeff and Valerie Bradt

Joan L. Hedrick

Joanne Morris

Jody and Bonnie Keppers

Jody and Kent Richards

Joel Sipress and Claire Kirch

John and Chris Peterson

John and Diane Strongitharm

John and Kathryn Derbis

Jon and Kelly LaCore

Joseph L. Saver

June Carter

Kerns Family

Kohl’s Cares for Kids

Laura Fournier

Liz Proepper

Lori G. Lindgren

Mark Guisfredi

Mary Bowker

Mary Gabrys

Maryann Weidt

Meredith Cornett and Ethan Perry

Michael Hagge

Michael Schrage and Jennifer Smith

Mike and Jenny Kempfert

Nancy and Mark Rubin

Nancy Sandelin Paisley

North Shore Bank

Pam and Alyssa Everson

Pamela Matson

Peter E. Bye, Jr.

Rich Axler & Cindy Hagley

Robert and Adele Unzen

Robert and Joyce E. Hickman

Robert and Roxanne Haupert

Robert Schnuckle and Shirley Garland

Rod and Leone Tatalovich

Rosemary and Daniel Skorich

Sanford and Barbara Porter

Scott and Sara Lounsbury

St. Luke’s Hospital

Stacy Johnston and Mike Reuter

Stan and Jan Burns

Steve and Kim Squillace

Stuart A. Dickerson

Tesseract Book Club Becky Ardren, Diane Carlson, Rose Drewes, and Carol Kelley

The George Family

The Hayes Family

The Russom Family

The Spears Family

The Williamson Family

Theodore Halpern

Tom and Mary Donahue

Vlasie, Jerry, and Sara Solon

William Grohs

William Percy