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Request for Proposals
The Foundation is currently accepting proposals for communications support. Interested applicants should review the full Request for Proposal linked below.
Full Strategic Communications Request for Proposal
Request for Proposal
The Duluth Library Foundation (DLF) is looking for a partner(s) to conduct research and help build a communications strategy to increase brand awareness and grow digital engagement. Our goals are to:
- Develop a case for support that differentiates the DLF in the nonprofit community
- Increase brand awareness and develop a communications strategy to attract new donors and increase connection with current donors
- Enhance digital engagement
The partner(s) will work within the DLF brand, conduct market research, and define messaging across key target audiences. The partner(s) will work with the Executive Director, who will foster collaboration and input from the Duluth Public Library PR team and the DLF Board of Directors.
Scope of Work
The Duluth Library Foundation is looking for a partner(s) who can assist with:
- Evaluating the current state and operations of DLF communications
- Report on and evaluate the state of the non-profit and philanthropic market
- Define a case for support for the DLF
- Develop a bold and imaginative creative theme/concept that will stay true to the spirit of DLF and capture the attention, imagination, and mindshare of target audiences
- Craft a set of engaging and memorable messages that are relevant to audiences, are delivered in channels they visit, and make them care
- Develop a marketing strategy for connecting with audiences, attracting new donors, and building stronger connections with current donors
- Assist in developing marketing materials and messaging for events, evaluating timing and alignment with fundraising and communication schedules and strategies
- Integrate and grow digital engagement within the strategy
- Advise and train staff on implementation
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